In a poetic bit of coincidence, I had exactly 24 dance music Spotify likes from last year, so naturally this year’s edition must be a Top 24 of ’24 list. Well, it’s two lists actually, since the tracks fall nicely
How We Danced in 2024

In a poetic bit of coincidence, I had exactly 24 dance music Spotify likes from last year, so naturally this year’s edition must be a Top 24 of ’24 list. Well, it’s two lists actually, since the tracks fall nicely
Note from the editor: Anjunadeep Explorations is an annual music festival and label showcase in Dhermi, Albania. Many dozens of artists – all associated with the label in some way – play sets ranging from two to twelve hours across
Hot on the heels of last year’s retroactive post, here are my twenty favorite dance tracks from this past year. I cheated slightly, as the Yotto track is actually from 2022, but it’s new to me and also the perfect
Yes, yes, I know that I’m over a year late for this. But since I’ve now started posting about music, I figured I would also start posting my year-in-dance-music Spotify playlists. I started making these playlists only a year ago,
New year, new project! Partially as a public benefit, partially out of intellectual curiosity, and partially for my own joy, I’ve started a podcast! (wait for groans to subside) No, it’s not another opinion or news or murder podcast. It’s
Note from the editor: Anjunadeep Explorations is an annual music festival and label showcase in Dhermi, Albania. Many dozens of artists – all associated with the label in some way – play sets ranging from two to twelve hours across
Note from the editor: Anjunadeep Explorations is an annual music festival and label showcase in Dhermi, Albania. Many dozens of artists – all associated with the label in some way – play sets ranging from two to twelve hours across