Posted on Tuesday, March 12, 2013

It’s been about three weeks since my last post, so I figured it’s time for a brief update. I’ve got a couple longer, more interesting posts in the works, but those life items aren’t finalized yet, so in the meantime I’ll humor you with some smaller updates.

I’m still working through the most stubborn to-do list ever, but thankfully it’s getting smaller every day. I’ve finally settled all of my new insurance (medical, dental, vision, and accident) and I’ve continued selling some random items (mostly electronics) that I no longer use or won’t need for much longer. In fact, I found a guy on Craigslist who was willing to trade a case of very nice wine for my floor speakers. Bartering ftw!

The gentleman of leisure has spent the last few weeks going to several (four, I think) concerts, a house party with a spectacular view of the lighting of the Bay Bridge, and the Minds Matter Spring Gala. The student of life has spent that same time going to a couple museums (including the Terracotta Warriors and the mind-blowing Kehinde Wiley exhibit), attending two very inspirational and enlightening days of the International Ocean Film Festival, and starting to serve as a technical consultant to my friend as she gets her non-profit off the ground (more to come in a future post, I’m sure).

And yesterday I jumped out of a plane at 15,000 feet.

All in all, the last few weeks have been educational, exhilarating, memorable, and really, really fun. More to come in the near future!

Three Week Update
Categories Sabbatical